Sculptural Installation
Various Sizes
Themes: Language, power, political, social anthropology, private and public spheres.
Clusters was a body of work funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
The solo exhibition was exhibited in the Art Disability Forum Gallery, Royal Avenue, Belfast. The opening night was the launch of the 2013 Bounce! Festival on 24th August closing on Culture Night 24th September.
The work was stark and contemplative leaving a quiet atmospheric feel consisting of three main pieces with a minimal palette of colours keeping a simplistic dialogue.
The reflective qualities of the glass, silicon and light gave a layered feel of the work ever changing and evolving as the light conditions altered.
Clusters is a dialogue on the private and public space and whether private inner dialogue should ever be exhibited in the public setting of the gallery. The language used in the installation was part of my own private inner dialogue and yet it existed in the fullness and public space of the gallery.
Please see 'Visitor Book Comments' from this exhibition on my NEWS page.